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Athlete Account Policy

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U10+, U12, Flex, U14, U16 and FIS Programs Only

Each Nakiska Alpine member club will establish an Athlete Account for all athletes that travel for additional training camps or races. All expenses incurred by the club on the athlete's behalf will be tracked by the club in this account.  Expenses may include, but are not limited to: coach's travel & per diem expenses, van gasoline/usage fee, race entry fees, lift tickets and any other miscellaneous items or services purchased by the club on behalf of the athlete. 

Parents/guardians of these athletes are obligated to pay any outstanding balance upon receipt when billed by the club. For U10+ through FIS level athletes, the athlete account will be administered throughout the year as required to account for early season camps etc. For all athletes, the club may require initial payment of a portion of this estimate to establish a positive balance. A payment schedule will be communicated to all families following registration.


U8 and U10 athletes will be billed for races on a per race basis. All race fee registrations will be communicated via TeamSnap. If you do not pre-pay for your athlete's race entry fee, your athlete will not be entered into the race.

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